If you are looking for information on shipping options and costs for a country, please select your destination country in the checkout.
Our standard shipping method is available in 15+ countries with 2-4 business days of expected delivery time depending on the destination country. We use local affiliate couriers with our standard shipping method.
All shipments are tracked.
We ship all orders from our warehouse in Denmark.
PAY ATTENTION! If you have not received your package within 15 days after placing the order, please contact us as soon as possible. If the package is sent back to us, the shipping costs will amount to 7 USD, which you will need to cover.
This means that if the package is returned to us because you did not pick it up at the parcel shop, we will credit the order – except for the 7 USD that covers the return shipping from the parcel shop to us. You are responsible for this expense.
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
We have tested our products and know what they are capable of. That is why we have a satisfaction guarantee on all our products. - Read more - click here
Return Policy
You have an unlimited right of return of unopened goods and you can return goods at no cost – please send an email to info@australian-bodycare.com if you wish to return your products. We do not refund opened items if your return occurs after the period, during which we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee.
We do not accept items returned on carriage forward or COD. Before returning your item(s), please contact Australian Bodycare at info@australian-bodycare.com for a return label. You must send the item properly packaged, enclose a copy of your invoice, and please write clearly that you wish to make use of your right of cancellation and that you wish to get the price of the item refunded.
These return rules apply to all items sold through our web shop.
Payment Methods
Orders can be paid in the following ways:
Credit Card
We accept payment with Visa, Mastercard and Eurocard. Australian Bodycare uses a payment gateway from Quickpay.dk.
Communication with this payment solution has been tested by Nets. All card data is transmitted in encrypted form.
We accept payments through PayPal.
Product Information:
All Australian Bodycare products state the essential properties of the product. For further information or questions about existing information, please send an email to Australian Bodycare at info@australian-bodycare.com
All prices include 20% VAT. Information about shipping and handling fees will appear in your shopping cart.
Presenting items along with a price on Australian Bodycare is not a binding offer but merely an invitation to make offers.
The Buyer's order of goods from Australian Bodycare does not constitute a binding acceptance, but rather a binding offer to Australian Bodycare to purchase the goods on the stated terms.
A binding agreement between you and Australian Bodycare is only entered into once Australian Bodycare accepts the offer submitted by the Buyer with an order confirmation. Australian Bodycare reserves the right to reject orders of such size that must be presumed not to be for personal use. All offers are subject to availability and, in some cases, it may be necessary to make partial deliveries of an order. In such cases, Australian Bodycare will make sure to inform the Buyer.
The account information you enter when purchasing goods is sent directly to PBS (direct debit service) in encrypted form (SSL) which only you and PBS can read. Thus, no one else sees or saves the information about you. When purchasing with a Dankort (debit card) or credit card, the amount is deducted from your account as soon as the item leaves Australian Bodycare.
According to the Danish Sale of Goods Act, Australian Bodycare grants a two-year right of complaint from the invoice date for manufacturing and material defects (deficiencies).
Disclaimer and Warranty:
Australian Bodycare has made it easy for you to get relevant information on other websites through links. These websites are beyond the control of Australian Bodycare. We can thus not be held responsible for the content of these sites in any way whatsoever.
Information about the ordered goods from such websites is not included in the description of the ordered goods in the agreement between the Buyer and Australian Bodycare.
The Seller is not liable for direct or indirect losses due to the ordered goods arriving late to the Buyer, or the ordered goods suffering any defects when the delay or the defects are due to the Buyer's actions or omissions or circumstances that are beyond the control of Australian Bodycare, e.g. war, riots, violence, fire, government intervention, seizure, currency restrictions, labour disputes of any kind, including strikes and lockouts, or the like.
Australian Bodycare does not provide an independent warranty for the ordered goods, and the Buyer only obtains the warranties issued by the manufacturer to the Buyer.
Online Purchase
When buying from us, you enter some personal information. This includes, in particular:
– Your name
– You mailing address
– Your email address
– Your telephone number
– Your payment information
We process this personal information when we process your purchase, as it is necessary for us to fulfill our part of the transaction, as well as for a limited period afterwards, to ensure that everything goes the way it should. As soon as this information/data is no longer needed, it is deleted from our system. All data is deleted after five years. As we have an unlimited right of return on the products, they store data for five years.
If you have ordered delivery, the information about your name, address, telephone number and e-mail address will be shared with our shipping company for the purpose of delivering your purchases.
Subject to Change:
Australian Bodycare reserves the right to change and update the terms and conditions applicable to this website. It is therefore important that you keep up to date with any changes.
Improper Use:
This site is owned and operated by Australian Bodycare. The site was created for the use of private buyers. All elements on the site, be it text, images, graphic representations, etc., are protected by copyright law and must therefore not be copied, downloaded, or distributed. Any improper use of Australian Bodycare will be reported to the police.
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