Read by Anne Thestrup Meimbresse

Pharmacist, Varde Pharmacy

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Why intimate care is so important

Intimate care is important if you want to keep your private parts in balance. If you don't take good care of your genital area, you may experience discomfort such as burning, itching and vaginal dryness. These are typically caused by bacterial imbalance, urinary tract infection, vaginal thrush or other conditions, all of which can be bothersome and debilitating.

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5 tips for good intimate care

There is no doubt that if you experience odour or irritation in your genital area, it can be a major limitation for you. Here are 5 tips on how to achieve good intimate care.

1. Give the skin air

It creates poor hygiene if your skin can't breathe. That's why it's important to change your underwear often so that you always stay clean and dry. You should also sleep without panties, where there is plenty of room for your skin to breathe.

2. Use the right kind of underwear

To allow your skin to breathe, it is not enough to change your underwear frequently. It's a good idea to use pure cotton panties that allow your skin to breathe easily. They can even be washed at a high temperature to make sure they are always perfectly clean.

3. What do you use when you have menstruation?

When you are menstruating, it is important to choose your pads and tampons carefully if you want to keep your genitals in balance. In general, limit your use of pads and tampons and choose products that are fragrance-free and not bleached with chlorine.

4. Are you wiping yourself correctly?

When you go to the toilet, it is important to remember to wipe properly if you want to ensure hygiene. Always wipe from front to back to avoid any inconvenience.

5. Use the right products for the intimate area

To achieve a properly balanced intimate area, use products that are both fragrance-free and PH balanced. For best results, use a combination of Intimate Wash, Femigel and Femi Daily from Australian Bodycare. You get everything you need to avoid intimate problems in everyday life in a single intimate care kit.

The products have a soothing effect on your skin, and they are also bactericidal, so you get a fresh feeling.

3 product kit for intimate care and hygiene
To prevent vaginal dryness, genital itching, vaginal smell or other intimate discomfort
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Regular price $35.99
Sale price $35.99 Regular price
3 product kit for intimate care and hygiene - To prevent vaginal dryness, genital itching, vaginal smell or other intimate discomfort

Avoid the following things

Above were 5 tips on how to achieve good intimate hygiene.

Below are 3 things to avoid if you want to keep your intimate area in balance.

  1. Don't wash too thoroughly or too frequently.
  2. Be careful with clothes that are too tight.
  3. Do not wear panties made of synthetic material.